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P.IVA: 06880570723


I. Insurance
All students must have Health Insurance. The students from the European Union (EEC) can ask for the E 111 document in their home countries, for free health insurance. For the other students, the school is available to help you find the best insurance offers on the market.

II. Cancellations and Renouncements
In the case of the renouncement of a course, the school has to be informed immediately. If the cancellation is communicated 30 days before the beginning of the course, 50% of the deposit will be refunded, minus any expenses. If the cancellation is communicated less than 30 days before the beginning of the course, the payment will not be refunded.

III. Absences
In the case of absences from lessons no refund will be offered. The possibility to recuperate those lessons is at the discretion of the school.

IV. Lesson hours
The lesson hours for the group are always fixed (except for in the case of a major reduction) while the lesson hours for individuals can be decided on. The final decision regarding lesson times is at the discretion of the school.

V. Reductions in hours
In the case of a group consisting of just one person, the lesson times during the day will alter as the following: 2 hours of lesson. The teaching programme, however, will remain the same.

VI. Holidays
The school will remain closed, and the lessons will not be recuperated on days of national holidays:1st January, 7th January, Easter Monday, 25th April, 1st May, 2 June, 15th August, 1st November, 8th December, 25th-26th December.

VII. Payment
The payment for the course must be completed by the first day of school. In the case of a long stay payments can be made monthly but this has to be established with the school. Any commissions or extra expenses due to the method of payment will be the students' responsibility.

VIII. Very Important!
In the case of unforeseen difficulties, let's talk about it! There is no problem without solution once sitting around a table with good sense and a good glass!