Staying in Mola di Bari you have a beautiful view of the Adriatic Sea with its fishing port and the famous fish market hall.
The town is surrounded by fields full of agricultural produce which is exported to many countries.
The inhabitants and the district councils of Mola di Bari have always resisted industrial plants and tour companies getting established
in the town. That's the reason why Mola di Bari has remained in its original state.
Mola di Bari is the ideal place for learning the Italian language as only a few locals are able to speak a foreign language.
This is exactly what gets our students to speak the Italian language and to apply the vocabulary, grammar and idioms they learn at school
in various situations of everyday life. You have the unique opportunity not only to learn a foreign language, but also to experience it
whenever you are on your way through the town: ordering your supper in a restaurant, chatting with locals on the beach or in a bar while
enjoying a cup of espresso, or admiring the colourful displays at one of the traditional markets.